"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." Ephesians 4:15
I know. I've been rambling a lot about Jesus lately. That is because I live for God. I love because He first loved us. I would not be nearly the same person I am if it wasn't for His grace.
I started reading a book called “The Sacred Search” by Gary Thomas…. since last summer when Stephen recommended it. I met Stephen for the first time about five years ago but we only became closed friend last summer when we spent two months working and traveling together in Hong Kong. One night, we were at quiet bar across the Victoria’s Harbour when we started talking about our spiritual journey and how to be a follower of Christ when the rest of the world is seemingly crushing you down. I love little spiritual talks like that especially when feeling a bit under the weather. It’s almost like God sent you an angel to tell you that it's okay because He is with you through it all. The author of the book, in short, urges Christians to first seek the kingdom of God through finding their other Christian halves. I think it’s a great book. But I set the book aside as I was half way through reading it. I couldn’t go on because it raised so many questions of the way I was living my life and my relationship with God. Who wants to be told that he or she is in the wrong?
Recently, I've started picking up the book again. I believe that God is putting me at where I am right now for a good reason. I believe that through trials, God not only allows me to grow closer with him but also lift and build others up. Though I'm struggling to know when to sit and when to run, and where to be, the one necessary thing that remains is the life-saving and heart-changing presence of Jesus.