Monday, April 20, 2015

You make me brave

"I've been told to pick up my sword and fight for love. Little did I know that love had won for me here in your arms."

Sometimes you need to just let go of all worries and fears. Take a leap of faith and let God take control.
I need to stop feeling so deeply. Because I hate to feel the way that I am feeling right now. Conceal, don't feel. And I must carry on.
Recently I feel like I've lost my sanity. I've became obsessed with things that will take me off my own mind, even if it's just for a minute. But I'm constantly remained that God is in full control. I need to just close my eyes and let him take me by the hand. And just believe that he won't take me anywhere that he won't go.
He steadies my heart and I know that I'm not alone.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end yet.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sunshine sunshine

I'm not magazinely-gorgeous but I'm not ugly. I think that God made me beautiful in my own way. But let's face it, I'm average. But I do get those occasion stares in coffee shops, from older men.
I attract perverts. Like magnets. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating.
In fact, I'm sitting across from one as I'm writing right now. He has a ring on his finger. It makes me uncomfortable. It makes me what to punch him in the throat. And I believe that no girl deserves to feel that way. One time, this sick sag came to me and asked if I needed a ride. I could even go home and sleep with him if I want to. It was the greatest insult I've ever gotten.
I promise that I don't look like a prostitute. I actually consider myself a conservative dresser.
My best response to the harassment is to not acknowlege him at all. He doesn't even exist. Nope. It's just a mirage.

Anywho... Today was a good day! I kicked off the morning with another great WOD at crossfit. I cut the back of my angle on Sunday. The wound is so deep that I cried when the bleeding didn't stop until two hours later. It was very embarrassing but anyways. Today was my first day back in the game. Now I can't feel my arms but it hurt so good. My body is feeling better and stronger than ever. And I'm lovin' this active life! I'm planning on getting back to bikram yoga early next week. So I can claim that I'm a runner who does it all. Roar.
It's feeling a lot likes summer today! Go outside. Get those vitamin D and bloom!
That's it for today. Sending positive energies your way:)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Smile, why not?

Memory takes me back to where we started. How did it all come down to bitterness?
Winter came and go. That's the way of life. Nothing stays constant in this world. I thought that I would get used to goodbyes by now, after 23 years of experiences. But the feeling is likewise uneasy and overwhelming each time. There are some things that you just can't get used to. That also explains the excitements in life. It's full of uncertainties and surprises. 
Everyday is a blank page. Today, I'm going to fill mine with colors and happiness. Be present, surround yourself with inspiring souls, run barefoot, feel everything deeply, share your tears and secrets, do yoga, pour love and expect nothing in return, laugh until your jaw hurts, forgive, fill your soul with positive energy, be grateful, pray for the unfortunates, climb a mountain before sunrise, climb another one before the sun sets, quiet your mind, listen to the silence, make mistakes, laugh it out and then learn from your mistakes, have a glass of wine or two, go easy on the cheese, find what feels good, let your inner beauty glow, be courageous, go on an adventure, get out of your comfort zone, get lost, put flowers in your hair, chase every opportunities, eat your vegetables, be a hippie but wash your hair, don't be consumed by materialistic things, travel, hold off on the mascara and foundation, and run until you're out of breath. Life is a flux. Let every piece of experience be the opportunity of self-discovery. 
Everyday is a blank page. What will you fill your page with?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Excuse my stomach

It's hard to put into words the depth of gratefulness I feel for my family and other encouraging individuals in my life. I feel bliss and I'm excited for what God has in store for me. 
I woke up this morning to the soothing sound of raindrops. It was 7:30am. I left the comfort of my bed and hustled to brush and change into my workout clothes. Breakfast consisted of a big bowl of happiness (cereal and milk). 
And then life happened... Lunch time! I went for pho with my dad.
And then blah, blah, blah. 
Tacos for dinner.
I am happy. The end.